Peugeot 1007

25 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I've been looking with some astonishment at the new Peugeot 1007. Seems like a pretty innovative idea for a car, sliding doors. Great.

One problem. It took me 2 seconds to figure this one out, why Peugeot haven't I don't know:

What happens when a Peugeot 1007 drive parks his slidy-doored car so close to yours that your swingy-doors can't open enough to let you in? He can get in and out fine, but what about every bu**er else?

Also, the price. £10850 on the road, sounds quite reasonable for a car. But surely such a bold new idea is all about making a statement? So I considered that statement, and what it might be. One quick phonecall to my local tattoo emporium and I can tell you that having "I AM GAY" tattood across the forehead would cost less than £100. The Peugeot doesn't sound so reasonable now. :roll:
AdamW said:
What happens when a Peugeot 1007 drive parks his slidy-doored car so close to yours that your swingy-doors can't open enough to let you in? He can get in and out fine, but what about every bu**er else?
He or more likely she, :wink: ends up with an extremely badly dented door .. plus a large repair bill. Tis a learning process.
They reckoned it would cost £150 to do it in a Welsh accent. But still cheaper than a 1007 (one thousand and seven, as Peugeot are apparently keen to call it in case the owners of the 007 franchise get upset!)