Peugeot 207 Clicking

21 May 2018
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Ive reasontly been getting a clicking nice from the drivers side rear tyre like glass breaking when im changing gear (only from 1st to 3rd gear) but then i also notice it does it while parked and revving the engine slightly but with like a clapping noise anyone have a slight idea off what it could be as taking it to garage and they couldnt hear anything for some strange reason ?
+ 2 And worth getting it checked for a worn/broken engine stabilizer bar too.
Do you change from 1st to 3rd missing out 2nd going up the gears? We weren't taught that when I learnt to drive many years ago.
Nope exhaust not rattling and nope dont change from 1st to 3rd like i said it also does it while the cars not moving and applying low revs
Check the aux drive belt, it could be shredding and if it gets wrapped around bottom pulley it could work it's way into the timing belt causing fatal engine damage. Also can rip out the crank sensor and/or wiring. If it is the belt it'll probably need a new tensioner fitting also.
A/c systems on some cars make more noise than others, it’s does pay to keep using it now and again to keep everything running smoothly.