Picture editing...

28 Nov 2003
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi chaps

I've tried and I've failed... :oops:

I want to blur the edges of a couple of pictures, so that they blend in with the white background (for a website), but cannot for the life of me suss it out. Any help appreciated!

BTW. I'm running Paint Shop Pro 5

I hate admitting defeat!
mildmanneredjanitor said:
Hi chaps

I've tried and I've failed... :oops:

I want to blur the edges of a couple of pictures, so that they blend in with the white background (for a website), but cannot for the life of me suss it out. Any help appreciated!

BTW. I'm running Paint Shop Pro 5

I hate admitting defeat!

Been awhile since I've used that prog but, doesn't it have an erase function that can be set so it works in a sort of random fashion? The only other thing I can think of is using the spray function and using a suitable colour set on very light coat. :?
There is a tool in PhotoShop called something like Blend or Clone (something similar should apply to PaintShop Pro too).

It depends greatly on the quality of the paths around the photo (in the front) so it may or may not work out well.
Vignetting ... I believe.
To soften the edges of (a picture) in vignette style.
A portrait, perhaps, that shades off into the surrounding color at the edges.
In real photography we would use a card with a hole in it, at the enlarger stage, keeping the card moving whilst projecting the image through the hole ..... All of which mmj is not the slightest use to you ... except the word vignett.

Nearly got it ... Copied engine area to form new image, softened full original, superimposed engine back into place ... voila one villiers two stroke twin hi-lighted, yours truly's bike from 1959 British too !!

Sorry MMJ ... not quite what you want ... if no tool, then successive overlays of different sizes with increasing blur should do it.
I would expect vignetting tool with the better software.

Paint shop pro 6 how to

There you go MMJ .. have fun. We'll be down on the site to check you out !!

Sorry for delay!

pipme said:
There you go MMJ .. have fun. We'll be down on the site to check you out !!

Cheers Pip!

It isn't quite right :? cos I have to add a layer n stuff, but still - looks better!

And I'm no graphic artist or web guru ok!
My final post, noted site giving help .. Vignetting .. How To Create a Soft Fade Vignette Effect in Paint Shop Pro (6 and Up),
did you notice the version 6 and higher ?


Quote : 'And I'm no graphic artist or web guru ok!'
Who is ? Most have real jobs. :wink: (Look out !!)