planning permission

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A guy near us, fairly recently built a very nice, and large, house. I know for a fact that to save money he did a lot of the work himself. Unfortunately he neglected to get planning permission. He naturally applied to get retrospective permission, but the council decided to make an example of him, and ordered that the building be demolished, which he had to pay for as well, along with restoring the site to its former condition. In no way do I codone what he did, but it must have been a bit of a downer :!:
Eddie M said:
the council decided to make an example of him, and ordered that the building be demolished
Agreed with the council otherwise you will get people building all the time without planning permission and without planning permission you cannot sell the property anyway.
Cannot believe anybody would be so stupid as to do that anyway, shame and all that but he really is the author of his own misfortune.
Yes, would have been a downer. But it is hard to believe that anyone could do something so dumb! I wouldn't even put up an extension unless I already had full planning permission, and that would be a plot which already had PP for a house to start with.

To put up a whole freakin' house without it, that is silly.

If you see him in the pub, drowning his sorrows, please could you wag your finger and say "you've no-one to blame but yourself" from me?

So he has either blown his life savings or has mortgage payments on a house that doesn't exist... In which case the lender could ask for their money back as there is no house for the mortgage to be held against.
Farmer, lots of land, thought he could do what he wanted with it....... wrong ! Looked (past tense) like a nice house though !
Well, I suppose it is a lesson to us all that buying a piece of land is no guarantee as to planning permission.

Which is a shame for us lot as I am pretty sure most people on here have dreamed of building their own house to their own design and specification. But as was said, if you let one guy do it then you will end up with everyone doing it. And whereas many people will build beautiful and individual houses, you will end up with someone building something ugly just to save a few quid (or because they have no taste!). I can think of many other reasons why it would be a bad thing, towns sprawling into the countryside, zoning issues.

I saw a programme about houses from hell (not at all sensationalist!). This developer company had built a £6M (I think) apartment development on a chunk of land they bought. A load of existing residents were somewhat miffed at the fact that you could plainly see into their houses from the windows of the new flats. So, they scoured every bit of paper to do with the development and found it had been built about 6 feet too close to the existing houses. The council made them pull it down. The developer appealed but it was rejected. So, they were made to pull it down and rebuild it 6 feet further away!

It makes me wonder, would it have been a shrewder decision for the developers to offer the residents who had a case against it, a few thousand pounds and a set of curtains in the event that all complaints were dropped? Perhaps the council would have sooner allowed the building to stay if there were no complaints?
Take a look at recent news, allegedly, people coming from Ireland having bought up large plots, moving caravans on in numbers, it is said without plan permit ..... Pangbourne being the latest.

Hmmm, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Buy a plot of land then while you are waiting for permission to come through, rent it out as a mobile home/caravan park :D
No, I think you even need planning permission for that too - in fact I'm certain and you have to provide facilities such as running water, drainage etc. Good idea though.
My local council made me apply for planning permission for a porta-kabin I was using whilst having a new unit built.

They said if it was solely for the building, IE a site cabin it was OK. But because I was using at as an office for my business as well, I needed planning.

Money grabbing to**ers!
My local council have an interesting way about getting equipment to all the grassy areas in my town for their chaps to cut it. They have one of those containers that can be loaded onto something like a skip lorry. This is full of the quadbikes, buggies and strimmers and all the other stuff they use. The lorry comes and drops it off on the verge, they then set about mowing all the grass.

However, seeing as this is part of their business, and they are conducting it on their land, surely they should have planning permission to put it there :D

I will have to go and ask them about that if I ever get refused planning permission on a small issue!
An interesting thought .... 60M inhabitants of UK, near enough.
Say roughly 35 M householders of some description or another, maybe less.
Area of UK approx 60M acres.
58% of UK could provide the 35M with an acre apiece (about 70x70yds)on which to build their detached home within reason and cultivate their land ... what a nice thought ! ...
Reckon what we have is better ? Two Jags will put even more of us, in an even smaller area if he has his way !!

AdamW said:
...They have one of those containers that can be loaded onto something like a skip lorry. This is full of the quadbikes, buggies and strimmers and all the other stuff they use.

Amazing what the open top Skoda will carry these days !! ....
....Sorry Russ !

You can build whatever you like on your land WITHOUT planning permission and WITHOUT the consent of your neighbours

Just get a job as a politician first.