Please Identify this appendage on my Hercal Coil Indirect Cylinder....

6 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
This is a hotwater outlet pipe I need to turn off to change bath tap, but cannot find how to do so..what is this highlighted appendage on the pipe...what does it do, doesnt look like close off valve or is it missing something?


..Thank you.
That is a lockshield valve, you can turn it off with service key or remove the outer shield and use spanner to isolate, however, you may get water leaking from gland.

That was quick! thank you.. Am I able to turn off the water at this point then?
It's a valve on the return from the coil inside the cylinder- on the circuit with the radiators,not the hot water to the taps. You need to follow the pipe situated to the right, up and turn the valve on it to shut off your hot water to the taps.
Thank you... I have just checked, that other pipe is a cold water feed from the cold water tank above in the loft.
you isolate the cold feed to stop the hot water coming out of the top of the cylinder. No cold in means no hot comes out !
And to answer your question its a balancing valve to slow down the hot water from the boiler through the cylinder coil.