Private water / septic tank easements invalid, indemnity policy any good?

You paint a picture of country life scullduggery and quaint innocence. We don't get that in the 'hood.

Country people can bear grudges, family against family, farm against farm, for generations. Just because you only moved in last year doesn't stop them hating you for something your predecessor did in 1783.
Is taking water from a river legal??? I was 'floating' the possibility of an easement being in existence but if the act itself is illegal then I would expect it couldn't be an easement.

Perhaps living off grid is an option???
IIRC you need a licence from the ?river? ?water? authority for the area. You may be permitted to take water in wet seasons, but not in dry.

River water would need a lot of treatment before it could be considered potable.
Looking on Welsh Water site, you only need a license to extract if you take more than 20m3 a day, and doubt very much a single household will consume anything near that amount. in 6 months on our current meter we have used total of 70m3...
The licensing for the septic tank (not cesspit) is being looked into by the vendor. Believe it does not currently have one. The old couple who lived there for 40 years took over the property in less stringent times, which of course have tightened somewhat since then. Many thanks to you all for your comments and advice. Lots to think about.