Pro Desktop (PTC) 8

17 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
hi all,
i've recently aquired the new pro desktop (V8) and what a 3d package, though it problably wouldn't be used by large industry people for those smaller businesses or home use, or the place where i aquired it a school.

it provides a large amount of detail for minimum effort, of course if your moving from the old software to new its a lot easier than if your new to PTC becasue PTC can seem extremly complex but isn't really, its jus it takes a good few hours to get used to, after you've gone through the various tutorials on the software you will be well advanced in its ways and will be able to create complex 3d shapes with ease, there are 3 options on the software, design, enineering drawing, and album. desing is your basic 3d shape, drawing is where you can do an engineering diagram your self or use a drawing and let the computer create one form that, and finally album is to render your 3d shape.

its a great package

my point being its a great package anyone who needs to draw 3d or engineering drawing this is the package especially as its the easiest and most widelt used package around, so go and buy.

By the way im talking from experience here not as a canvasar
its everything you've wanted and more, surface solids shells extrustions profiles rendering and more. i can't believe it's improved so muchs ince the last version WOW they've done well
Sorry was dreaming there .... PTC ... of Pro engineer and Cadds5i fame or perhaps notoriety !.

Guess this is the educational package ?

When I see how far we have come over the last 20 yrs in this field ... I wonder in another 20 yrs just what desktop programs will be in use ? A very exciting outlook for those still around !!
Just imagine open up your Electrical engineering for dummies package .. design your home electrics, this will connect to suppliers catalogues ... price and order the kit ... as required on a JiT basis by project planning component of the software.
Just need the home robot to do the grafting ...

thats right PTC of pro engineering and wildlife etc but in my view desktop is the best!

yes its meant to be an educational package, but although used for this is used by many companies so they can cereate a 3d image in front of a picture they have scanned.


i'm only youing so hope to see the future software in this sector, any news i get on new packages ill give you here first
pipme said:
Sorry was dreaming there .... PTC ... of Pro engineer and Cadds5i fame or perhaps notoriety !.

Guess this is the educational package ?

When I see how far we have come over the last 20 yrs in this field ... I wonder in another 20 yrs just what desktop programs will be in use ? A very exciting outlook for those still around !!
Just imagine open up your Electrical engineering for dummies package .. design your home electrics, this will connect to suppliers catalogues ... price and order the kit ... as required on a JiT basis by project planning component of the software.
Just need the home robot to do the grafting ...


I'll believe you!
Back to the grindstone Edwardino .... my old cocker !!  8)

On reflection, how did the sink end up ... truth now !! :wink:
Sink was a resounding success, if a little heavy to lift in my then current state. 'Twas as predicted, old sealant not removed, lazy so and so still hasn't been back to pick his plumbing tools up, I guess he's not much of a plumber!
Haven't you noticed ? They all start off working for you then become, before the job is done, a consultant then b****r off pronto !!
