Pump still running

4 Feb 2016
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United Kingdom
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg I have a back boiler in lounge then in airing cupboard a water tank & time clock & pump, over night the heating didn't click off & when I turned it & hot water to off this morning the pump still runs & the water is very hot . I turned it off at plug a few times but it just starts up again I've attached some pics
yes you can call out a qualified heating engineer who will sort out your problem
+1 for the motorised valve , u can get a replacement head but ask the heating engineer about it
Is there anything I can do myself?

It is probably a motorised valve stuck open or with some other problem causing it to be continually 'on' (can even be caused if water gets inside it) and in many systems that will cause the boiler and pump to provide heat and water circulation all the time. Are you sure its the only motorised valve in your system? Is there a lever on that valve white box and if so is it very slack or does it provide any resistance if you move it manually? Changing a valve actuator is not a difficult job and well within the remit of a reasonable DIYer. Some valves, E.g. very old ones need you to drain down the system before you can change the actuator but I am pretty sure that one you can just replace the accuator.. Just remove it and replace with similar and wire up as it was before. Not rocket science.