Pyronix enforcer (silent alarm)

15 Aug 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi there I’m looking for some help on programming the enforcer. Basically what I need to do is when it is being set on a Night set, I don’t want it to sound the bell if triggered just the internal siren if this is possible any help would be appreciated
I’ll have a look at that in the morning thanks for your help
Would probably have to change the bell output to siren A, rather than siren any, assuming you are using level set
Interested how you got on, but also why you’d want only the internal sounder as well?
I did what Bigsosij said. And the reason for doing it as I don’t want the bell box going off when it’s in night set having few Teething issue with an external pir
Do you have the app? Why not just have it start and end at digi for the time being until you sort it out?
I have the app yes mate do you have any more info on start and end digi save me getting manual out
So change the settings you altered back to the previous and under alarm response for the relevant areas set start and end to digi