Quick and quicker

Summer roofless motoring, now that's fun!

Many production cars warn the driver of a high probability of ice (presumably temperature and humidity sensors). But in the Caterham you won't have that... and that is about the easiest car to get out of shape on a slippy road! The only inbuilt drivers' aid on a Seven is the one that makes the car do a pirouette every time there is a wet leaf on the road. :wink:

Nah, winter roofless motoring is as good an idea as winter nudist beaches.
Hood down ... nice in spring time, after hood up / hard top fitted winter... Suddenly all those mechanical noises which began crowding the interior are gone. . just the burble of the 'Servais Black Knight' ( I guess they are not made today ) exhaust, sitting comfy and feeling cool in the bubble of warm air .....
These were days no young(ish) man should miss out on, I had 7 great, hooded and other sportscar years with my peers, wouldn't change a thing.
I guess it really got the whole thing out of my system ... happily satiated.
:wink: :D :D