Rat holes

30 Mar 2015
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United Kingdom
I’ve noticed several holes near the foundation of my property. I suspect that it’s rats as I live next to a field.

Is there a position that you recommend I chuck into these tunnels or do I need to fill them up in a certain way?

I’d appreciate your advice with this as I would hate for them to make their way into the house!

Thanks in advance.
Octablocks work for me. Also, a bin full of water that had a plank resting on it has inadvertently claimed the lives of two of them as well!
Holes should be filled or other stuff will get in, such as spiders. Remove all loose bits and fill with sand, cement mix.
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Thanks for the responses. Presumably if I fill thee holes with mortar or something similar, they will pop a new hole a few inches away from this? I thought that I could start chucking some poison down the current holes until I can see that it's no longer disappearing. If this is a sensible approach, I would appreciate your suggestions on which rat poison brand I should use. Thanks and happy new year.
The thread about compost heaps on here recently showed an American person using a propane weed control blowtorch to scorch them in their burrows!