Re-enforcing floating shelves

20 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom
I would love to hear your advice on how to reinforce B&Q floating shelves.

I’ve had the shelves for a number of years and although the plaster is not completely flat so they do not fit snugly I have had no problem with them.

I want to put a pendulum clock with a glass dome on the shelf and so now I am worried that the additional weight plus the rocking movement might dislodge the shelf.

I realise the safest option would be to put conventional brackets under it, but the room is small and the shelf is high up on the wall so this would have quite an impact.

My thought is that I could glue L-shaped brackets to the top and then screw these into the wall. The glue I have found is Soudal Fix All super strong. Will this be strong enough and will it attach successfully to the shelf surface and the metal brackets? Will this work?

Any help would be great.

Personally I wouldn't be using glue here - if you want, fix your brackets to the shelf with screws, but it will still look poor unless its well above sight level.
Consider gluing and screwing a timber lath to the top of the shelf, and then screwing through that into the wall.
John :)
weigh the clock and place something 50% heavier on the shelve transferring the load gradually and observe for a week
Great to get these responses!

I thought of screwing the brackets to the shelf but would the material they are made from not simply rip? I had to return a couple of them because they had got damaged while being delivered.

I could put a wooden batten on the top - can you recommend what glue would work with the surface material of B&Q floating shelves? Soudal Fix All super strong?