removing surplus adhesive (and grout) from tile surface

26 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
I've tiled our bathroom floor but have a few bits of adhesive and finger marks left over. They seem to rub off easily enough. I'd ideally like to wipe the whole tiled area down to remove all the marks. Is there anything special I should use or just bathroom cleaner?

Is there a time limit for removing adhesive and grout from the tile surface, or will it always just sratch off? i.e. can I wait until I grout at the weekend and clean the lot off then. I'm talking very small marks, not huge dollops of the stuff.

Go to your local TILE SHOP, Disccuss it with them, they have many different products available.
I just soaked the excess with water, left for 5 mins then scraped off with something sharp - making sure not to scratch the tile!
Topps Tiles do a set of sponges with a universal handle that I found brilliant.

The sponges have different levels of abrasion so you start with the softest and work your way up.

Bit of a pain to do the whole bathroom, but I didn't grout it (the guy who did is my future father-in-law) so didn't know there was loads of grout left on the tile faces.

Think the sponges were about a fiver IIRC 8)