Risco Sounder not working all of a sudden

23 Jul 2018
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United Kingdom
Hi all my wireless sounder with my agility 3/lightsys system is no longer working (siren doesn't go off) however if I run a comms test I get "45" and a battery test I get "OK".

Is it possible that the batteries are too low to activate the siren? Reset the system? Reset the sounder?

Any help is much appreciated.

possibly radio jamming, the panel cant be set up to alert you of such.

seen it early on this year before lockdown where the alarm functioned pretty much okay internally, except intermittent on one sensor and the sounder wouldnt activate, the devices near the suspect source of jamming new street lights one was faulty, when it was fixed sounder and the intermittent sensor behaved as expected.
I tried resetting the system didn't work.

Changed the batteries in the sounder. Did a test no squark.

Looks like the speaker in the sounder has gone. Cheap sh*tty part. Will replace and test.

Fingers crossed its that.
i doubt it, like I said had one earlier this year, and as there was nothing on the panel to indicate jamming, during tests on site one of the sensosr on a door behaved as though the signal wasnt always getting through but it was a great signal strength tied it down to a lamp post that wasnt working properly that was opposite, bell box came back whilst i ordered a new sounder to replace just in case.

if you changed the batteries, there are two sets one for the bell and one for the wireless. 5 in total.

fairly confident that if you took it off the wall brought it into the property assuming the batteries are in correctly it will work, may want to try that before buying a replacement?