I've bought a new router. It's a superb piece of kit. But I have a query regarding depth set up. If I want to create a cross-halved joint in, say, 3"x2", is there an easy way of setting the depth to exactly half way so you get a perfect flat face to the finished joint? I spent ages fiddling around until I got it just right. Even though I marked half the depth with a gauge, when I cut both pieces to this line, they weren't quite deep enough, and I had to make 3 or 4 test runs to get it right. It seemed to add a lot of hassle to doing the job which, in theory, the router should make a lot easier. In fairness, once the depth was set, cutting 30 or so joints was a piece of cake.
Is there a knack to this which I'm missing, or is it always a case of fiddling about until it's right?
Is there a knack to this which I'm missing, or is it always a case of fiddling about until it's right?