Running a 4 gang off a spur

5 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi all.

I have an area of the kitchen with no work surface and no electric supply. I want to make this area usable and move the coffee machine (1kw, assuming 4.5amps) and baby steriliser (600w assuming 3amps) to that area without making huge modifications to the electrics.

The current kitchen ring is behind tiles.

The closest supplies are a washing machine (assuming 2.2kw / 10amps) socket (single, I assume is a spur) and the boiler.

1. can I run a 4 gang socket from the washing machine to power both the washing machine, coffee machine and steriliser?
2. Can I swap the single from the washing machine to a double?

Thanks in advance.
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First, don't assume anything. You need to verify whether that single is a spur, a spur of a spur or part of an RFC or radial and determine the cable size and fuse/MCB protecting it-what you can safely do depends on the answer to that question.
Unless something odd is found (worst case is the single is a spur from a spur) then yes, convert it to a double, leave the washer plugged into one side, plug the 4 gang into the other side. Try not to run washer and steriliser and coffee thing all at the same time.
NB There is no requirement to fit RCD protection to existing circuits BUT if you swap the single for a double it's not really 'existing' any more so circuit will need RCD protection (if not already fitted)
First, don't assume anything. You need to verify whether that single is a spur, a spur of a spur or part of an RFC or radial and determine the cable size and .....

Hey. Thanks for your response.
I tool the socket part earlier. It is definitely a spur.
I don't believe it's a spur of spur as its connected to a kitchen grid switch with fuses for every switch.

Will swap it for a double tomorrow.
I can't really imagine everything being on together.

Thanks again.
I'll be honest with you. I am not sure what RFC means (assume a ring main?)

Radials confuse me lol. I checked the furthest kitchen socket and that looks like it is a part of a ring. Or radial from what Google images shows lol
I'll be honest with you. I am not sure what RFC means (assume a ring main?)
Yes - Ring 'Final Circuit'.

No one seems to realise that Radial 'Final Circuit' has the same initials.

Radials confuse me lol. I checked the furthest kitchen socket and that looks like it is a part of a ring. Or radial from what Google images shows lol
You can't tell by looking - all except the last socket on a Radial also have two cables.