Seeing faces

I spotted Bat Man in Ikea:


A sad/cute plug socket

And a sleeping pie in the chippy
Thought it was quite clear I was referring to 'signs of autism ' not autism. [ I am on the autistic spectrum ]
Not autistic often referred to as NT's or Neuro Typical. You too, Foxhole ? I spent many years struggling and not knowing why. Since I found out I don't give a Flying ....;) Unfortunately I have no hidden skills like Rain Man. I could have done well at Brighton casino if I had.
You could do well on U tube - a condom could form a nose, fatballs as eyeballs.;)
6 weeks thinking about it and still you got a typo in there. :mrgreen:

Only just see the post my dear chap and it was obviously in jest ....don't you know.

What's the typo ? Can't see it just got in from work and I need a drink ........pint pot of Earl Grey no sugar ahhhhh

Have you fire proofed your thatch ? It's a serious question.