Shall i or not

19 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom
I need to have my kitchen replastered.

I have two choices.

One is to put up some new plasterboard and just paint it

Now how hard is it to skim the wall, i would consider myself ok to have a go at most things, electrics,central heating( changingof pipes etc.

And if i do attept it and get it wrong is it easy to rectifiy

I have asked a couple of por's in got prices but have not heard back from them, i just said ok that price is fine, seems to me they dont want the work.
el_scorchio said:
I have asked a couple of por's in got prices but have not heard back from them, i just said ok that price is fine, seems to me they dont want the work.
Good plasterers are always busy, and can afford to take holidays, so the fact that it's summer might mean something.

Phone your favourite plasterer, and ask him to come on a specific date. If he can't then ask him to name the soonest date he can do after that. Phone him at home so that he can put it in his diary.

For 'him' please read 'him/her'.
If you have never done it before do not start on your kitchen, find a wall and practice otherwise you will fail big time. If you want a decent job get a plasterer in.
I did that about the dates, twice, they gave me dates and just never showed up.

I phoned them again and they didnt show again.

Its a small room and was quoted £ 120

Just having to look at it every day is breaking me.

I have a small wall i can practice on.

Once i have pva the wall do i slap it on straight away, or give the pva time to soak in.

And then how many times do i go over it with the float
el_scorchio said:
I did that about the dates, twice, they gave me dates and just never showed up.

I phoned them again and they didnt show again.
Sorry to hear that - I sympathise with your plight.

I have a small wall i can practice on.
Go for it. Have a read up on some technique first. Get a good consistency of the mix and make the wall receptive to it.

Once i have pva the wall do i slap it on straight away, or give the pva time to soak in.
Let the PVA dry.

And then how many times do i go over it with the float
As little as possible, and as much as necessary. Don't try to polish the surface, just get it even and reasonably smooth.
buy youself a plastering dvd on ebay. will cost you maybe £10-£20 or so but will give a good angle in how to do it.