Sharpening Twist Drills?

2 Oct 2004
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Sunny Hampshire.
United Kingdom
I've just been browsing the 'Looking for a decent drill' thread and Eddie M said:

<Another thing to consider is the bits you use in the drill, an expensive drill with cheap nasty bits will be as useless as a cheap drill.>

I agree with that but often the problem isn't that the bit is cheap & nasty, more that it is just plain blunt.

When I did my training, the Trainee Workshop boss and his second-in-command were both ace at sharpening a drill-bit off-hand on the double-ended grinder. Lots of blokes I've worked with over the years have had the same skill.

I've read the books and I've got the grinder but the skill still eludes me! Also a double-ended grinder isn't exactly portable.

This is all a build-up to the real question: :?

Who's used one of those drill-grinding machines (e.g. 'Drill Doctor') and how did/do you get on with it? Would you buy it again?
You can get drill sharpening kits that will offer the drill bit up at approximately the right angle to the grind stone. However, while they may be all right for recovering some drill bits for the odd job you've got to to be quite careful to get the angle right. Wrong angle - won't cut properly.

I've used them as has my father in law who is a bit of a whizz when it comes to light engineering but even he has problems sometimes.

If you want the personal satisfaction of doing it yourself then these are the kits for you. Personally I find it easier to get new drill bits. :D
BruisedThumb said:
Who's used one of those drill-grinding machines (e.g. 'Drill Doctor') and how did/do you get on with it? Would you buy it again?
I only use it for size drill bit over 3/8" upward and anything under that size don't seem to work with me. I don't use it anymore so I buy new drill bit instead. The drill bit will last a lot longer if you don't force the drill bit, do it lightly and I find it last a lot longer.
I've tried these drill grinding kits and none could sharpen them as good as I do freehand.
I've known some who worked on large radial arm drills who were never able to sharpen their drills correctly so would ask someone else to do it for them.
For drills under 1/2" they would get a new one out of the stores rather than sharpen them.
This was strange as we worked in a tool room where everyone was supposed to be skilled toolmakers.