signal strength vs signal quality ( sky ) ?

16 Feb 2007
Reaction score
West Midlands
United Kingdom
I have great signal strength, somewhere in the high 80%'s, but the signal quality is never above half way, and in heavy rain often drops to less than a quarter and sometimes drops out altogether..

is this usual or do I need the dish re-aligning, or a bigger dish installed ( it's one of those smaller, not quite round dishes.... )?
Sounds like it needs re aligning. Signal quality is the be all and end all. Also checj for damage to the LNB and cable as other possibilities.
To be fair the signal quality can also depend on which STB you are using.
Some have better tuners than others.

Halfway for quality on one STB is sometimes full quality on others.

Before re-aligning the dish just check that all the connectors at both ends on the drop lead and clean, wiping the LNB down woundn't hurt either.