sky HD question

12 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
I am getting sky hd & multiroom tomorrow, I already have a normal sky box in one room. The sky hd plus, is going in a separate room. Will the engineer need to run a phone line cable for the new hd box & run it to our existing phone box. Or does the existing phone line do for both boxes?
Both boxes need to be connected directly to both your phone line and to the lnb on the dish (or the multiswitch but unless you live in a block of flats that's unlikely).
SKY are very hot on boxes being connected to the phoneline if you have multiroom as they are worried your neighbour is getting it cheap!
I have heard that some sneaky folk in terraced rows are running phone extensions through the loft space ?????????? I wonder why?
you only need to be connected to the phone line for the first 12 months dont you (unless its been changed)
Nope, it needs to be connected to the phone line the whole time you're taking advantage of the cheap subscription on it (i.e. the additional £10 for multiroom)