Smart wall light switch - neutral wire needed and coloured blind!!

1 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Good afternoon...

Need some assistance please.
Firstly, I am coloured, green, red, brown.....seems I was never destined to be an electrician or a RAF pilot.... :-) Just don't play snooker with me.

I want to set up a smart lighting switch in our garage for my wife.
She is currently down South seeing her mum for the first time in 18 months. She normally helps me when I am doing wiring and tells me what colour each wire is.

I have attached a couple of pictures. One shows the current garage lighting switch with two wires being one is common and bottom is L1. I have no idea what colours the wires are. There are other cables in the lighting box. One seems to be earth..with a green and yellow sleeve attached to it. The other wires, are connected together and I think are black in colour.

The second picture shows what is needed for the smart switch. It needs a neutral conection to work.

Is there hence a neutral wire I could use to power the new smart switch when it if off so that the wife etc works?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Smartswitchwiring.jpg Garagelightswitch.jpg
Its possible the two non sleeved black wires that go into the connector block might be neutrals. Best to check with a multimeter?
If the black are neutral then disconnecting them should stop the light working.If the wiring was done by inexperienced diyer they may think they needed to use only red for live so ran two cables when only one is required for a switch.