Smell of gas!

19 Apr 2006
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United Kingdom
Just been reading some DIY disasters and was reminded of a call out I had a while ago; Turned up at a fellas house to investigate a report of a strong smell of gas coming from the landing area. The fella was ranting and raving about how some of our lads had recently fitted a couple of wall heaters and told me they were proper cowboys and needed sacking for leaving a gas leak .
Upon completion of my search for the bodge up caused by our lads I discovered it hadn't been our "cowboys" after all, but the householder himself.
He had only been putting down some nice new carpet tiles on the landing with 2" NAILS and sent two of them through a 22mm GAS PIPE under the boards!! I gave a tut tut and asked him where HIS horse was!! :oops:
Similar thing happend to me, call to gas leak. LPG tank checked, line in checked, emergency valve to boiler/fire checked, nothing found. Lit appliance left job. Hour later phone call stronge smell of gas, customer turned off unit. Went back down, checked everything again, nothing found, ran unit everything Ok. Next day same thing but this time they left the boiler on, went into house and low and behold a smell something like gas but not, in my opinion. Closed the door of the room, moved furniture, checked bin in room, cushions, carpets and when I got to the corner with the radiator bingo some urchin had spilt something down the back of the radiator and it would only start to smell once the heating system was running for about 1/2 an hour. Customer was certainly sheepish once problem found