software does not work on Win2000

7 May 2004
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United Kingdom
I have some children's s/w from DK. Its works fine on win95. The s/w is old, and states only 95/98 compatible. I have tried to install it on win2000 and its reports that I do not have enough disk space. It requires about a stated "1,300,000Kb" (!) free. Well the disk has 10Gb free. I'm assuming that the O/S has returned the wrong value to the o/s.

I heard somewhere that you can "tell" the application which version of o/s to "pretend" its running on, (reg. setting?)

Can anybody help - Or Do I have to either buy new s/w or keep the old Win95 machine just for this?
You need to run the setup program in compatibility mode.

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the installation location. Find the setup program (probably called setup.exe or install.exe, but could be different).

Right click on the program and click properties. Click the Compatibility tab at the top and then check the box that says 'Run this program in compatibility mode for'. You can then select the appropriate run environment from the dropdown windows (Win95, 98 etc). You may have to change the display mode, but only do this if you continue to get problems.


I've Open Windows Explorer got to the setup program setup.exe on the CD. Right click on the program and click properties. I only have the tabs for General and Netware Version. No Compatibilty tab.

If I copy the setup.exe to root of c: I still have same options plus a Security tab. Checking all the tabs, and the options on them, inc Advance, I see no compatibility option anywhere.

O/S is windows 2000 professional 5.00.2195 Service pack 4, 1.4Mhz celeron 512Mb.

Many thanks.
Sounds like compatibility mode is not enabled. There is an article on the MS website here, but basically you need to do this to turn it on:

1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Click Start, and then click Run.
3. In the Open box, type the following command, and then click OK, where %SystemRoot% is the drive and folder in which Windows is installed: (eg. c:\windows)

regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll

You should now see the compatibility tab.
Ok, Done that.

Looked at the link, and did what was there. Even checked that the reg. setting were correct. They were already there and had those values.

Checked setup.exe and still no compat. tab. Logged off and back on as admin and still no comp. tab. Rebooted, no tab.
but then I note that the notes are for Win2000 sp3. I have service park 4 installed.
This must be making a difference?
Update on this, tried the compatibilty tool in the link above and got the software from DK to work fine. No problems at all. You can save the setttings also so that you dont have to run the compatibilty program first each time.

thanks to Igorian for the clue.