I tried the straight acetone nail polish remover and it seemed to have zero effect.
It's mostly cured by now so I was able to peel most of it off. Cleaning up the bits where it's oozed out might be a different story, but I expect a knife will do it.
Just laughing at myself really. I seem to do this every time with some substance or other.
The good thing, having experienced it myself only this week, is that thin coating on your hands makes your hair feel really shiny when you wash it. The bad thing is you're never quite sure whether it's foam or skin you're peeling off.
Can of lighter fuel from £ shop , dissolves foam with ease . Dripped into used can head will keep it clean for further use if not emptied on first use .
Beware, of the type of foam you're using. I did the same think last week. After I'd sprayed, I took one glove of and got one drip on my finger, that I wiped off. Later in the bath it started burning.