Spurious list bullets

  1. Gina Miller fought for this and the Judges who agreed were castigated as being traitors.
  2. Irony that Brexiteers are complaining about contempt yet if Miller did not win her verdict then May could have passed her Deal with a nod. Rees Mogg was the one unhappy with the Miller verdict.
  3. The government is in contempt of Parliament as it has not published the AG advice in full. This is Parliament taking back control.
Which one? #1, #2 or #3?
I give up.

#3 is an exact copy of this: https://www.diynot.com/diy/posts/4271095/

But that one displays like this:


i.e. with a spurious bullet.

Did you amend Sir Gad's post when you added the bullet numbers?

In which case, maybe you forgot to end that list with a "[/list]"

And the system automatically added it at the end of your post?
If you paste in text with bullets, or turn your text into a list, then you can click the "list" icon to turn it off in following, your non-listy text.

I do it by selecting the new text first

Once turned on, it stays on

Once turned off, it stays off

It will also work if you just click the icon before you start typing your new line.

  1. item
  2. item
  3. item
not an item
still not an item

If you have sharp eyes you will observe the icon changes colour when it is turned on and you are typing, or click on, that part of your post.
If you paste in text with bullets, or turn your text into a list, then you can click the "list" icon to turn it off in following, your non-listy text.

I do it by selecting the new text first

Once turned on, it stays on

Once turned off, it stays off

It will also work if you just click the icon before you start typing your new line.

  1. item
  2. item
  3. item
not an item
still not an item

If you have sharp eyes you will observe the icon changes colour when it is turned on and you are typing, or click on, that part of your post.
  1. It behaves weird though. If you use both buttons, or then turn one off, you get unexpected results.
This was typed in using the BB Code editor (top right corner)

  1. 1. Or not depending on what you do.
It amended the first unordered list.

If you use the BB Code editor to look at your own post, your bullet points are an unordered list but they appear as an ordered list.

I've now edited my post and added an unordered list as normal.

  • dffdfdfdf
If I then click at the end of that line to edit further, the unordered list button is still highlighted.

And if I click into your post the list button is also highlighted.
Last edited:
Did you amend Sir Gad's post when you added the bullet numbers?
Obviously I amended it by making it an ordered list. And I removed the blank lines so that I didn't get empty items in the list.

In which case, maybe you forgot to end that list with a "[/list]"
If you highlight text and click the list button it all happens automagically.

When it produced that odd result I did check the BBcode, which is what triggered this topic - the BBcode is correct.

This shows, on the left, the BBcode and displayed post that is odd, and on the right the equivalent for #1 here.


You can see that the BBcode has the same structure of quotes and lists in each, but the displayed ones don't.
So which one of us is following the other around, and going into forums where they never otherwise go, just so that they can make puerile comments in weeks-old topics?