Steam Bending Ply or Solid wood help sort

23 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I am trying to find UK based companies who can steam bend either plywood and or solid woods upto 18mm in thickness and upto 26" in dia.

If any one here knows of such companies that are UK based and preferably close to London, but thats not so important, that can offer this service i would really appreciate the information.

If you could reply to this post with the full details and a web link if they have a website please.

Thank you for any help you may give.
What are you trying to make/achieve as there may be other ways of doing it. e.g build your own steamer or laminate the piece yourself.
I am investigating the making of drum shells. I have all the other information i need but this one subject is alluding me.

I realize that the level of precission and equipment needed may take this out of the scope of DIY and hence my question about possible companies that can do this to a low tolerance level.

if you can share any information, even a DIY approach, i will be most gratefull
It would be difficult to build a home steamer for those, laminating yourself would also present problems as you wouldn't have the necessary formers. I thought perhaps you were making some chair backs or similar. I would leave this to the pro's.

Would it not be cheaper to buy the drums, or is it a bit of job satisfaction you are after?
Well partly its the challenge, the satisfaction and ending up with something the way i want it rather than whats in the shops.

Do you have any ideas on what kind of people could do this job ?

I have searched the web for this subject but to no avail. :-(

All the hardware and information on finishing is there but the the actual bending information. Well sorry there are sites that say "you need to bend the wood" but how ?

That is one reason i asked about possible companies that could offer this service.

Thank you for you continued help and advice
This company might be of help to you. They are based in Ashford, Kent. I know they can do a lot of specialized thing in joinery and veneering etc.
Piper Products 01233-643625
I could be done by laminating several layers of 1.5mm skinply around a circular former using a vacuum press to hold the ply against the former. It will be impossible to bend a single layer of 18mm ply to anything like the diameters that you require, but no problem doing it in layers.

I get my vacuuming supplies from these people who also offer a pressing service or may be able to put you in touch with a firm that can help, they have a discussion forum so you could ask on there.
