Steam Stripping Danger - DISASTER

13 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
Hi, for any of you still reading this, I would like to warn you on a dangerous side of wall stripping that i had the misfortune of experiencing first hand.

Whilst I was on a ladder holding the part where the steam comes out of, I had placed the tank on the floor, out of the way. Suddenly the tank falls on its side from its upright position.

Following the manufacturers instructions i made my way down the ladder to switch it off at t he mains, but as i was coming down, the part where the stam comes out of ( which i was still holding) starts pouring WATER down at me in a tap-like cascading fashion.

The water had obviously traveled UP the pipe and it got me all over my face and neck. needless to say i was rushed to hospital, and now im still recovering, hopefully it won't leave a permanent scar.

i wanted to warn you guys so that if it happens to you, throw on the floor immediately the steamer away from your body. the water is always 100 degrees and believe me, it hurt. best of luck.