This is not your normal 'My stopcock is leaking - so we suggest ptfe/o-rings/locktight-thread to repack' discussion.
There are tens of those types of posts - covering those solutions already.
I am seeking to explore the topic of advanced/permanent repairs - to the packing material.
If I have understood right - graphite rope from bss/bes is one option?
Another alternative that is mentioned is replacement nylon packing material?
For the life of me - I can't find any guides or discussions on these more advanced ways - of affecting a permanent repair on the gland packing material.
I'm interested in opening this topic up and exploring the more advanced options & techniques out there.
How does one use the graphite rope to repack the gland?
What sizes are needed?
Can nylon replacements be easily sourced? Are they better than graphite rope?
Notes: Yes it would be cheaper and quicker to simply replace the stop cock. Yes for many ptfe/o-ring replacement or plumbers thread seems to have worked. This thread is intended to be about the complete and full replacement of the packing material itself to refurbish the gland seal - if simply to learn about the concepts/skills/techniques involved.
There are tens of those types of posts - covering those solutions already.
I am seeking to explore the topic of advanced/permanent repairs - to the packing material.
If I have understood right - graphite rope from bss/bes is one option?
Another alternative that is mentioned is replacement nylon packing material?
For the life of me - I can't find any guides or discussions on these more advanced ways - of affecting a permanent repair on the gland packing material.
I'm interested in opening this topic up and exploring the more advanced options & techniques out there.
How does one use the graphite rope to repack the gland?
What sizes are needed?
Can nylon replacements be easily sourced? Are they better than graphite rope?
Notes: Yes it would be cheaper and quicker to simply replace the stop cock. Yes for many ptfe/o-ring replacement or plumbers thread seems to have worked. This thread is intended to be about the complete and full replacement of the packing material itself to refurbish the gland seal - if simply to learn about the concepts/skills/techniques involved.