Stuart turner monsoon 2 bar twin pump

15 Nov 2020
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Hello guys, im new to this, could do with a little advise. My Stuart turner monsoon pump 2 bar twin is almost 7 years old, but had suddenly lost the force or pressure it had when I turn on the shower head. It still runs the same and sounds the same, but low-pressure being delivered. Being an amatuer I took it off and checked the usual eg switch, sensors , filters and flow magnets . All seem to be fine. Capacitor appears to be fine , no signs of wear , was wondering would it be possible this it the problem. Many thanks in advance.
Have you checked the shower hose is not twisted and the filters and non return valves in the shower valve are ok if fitted.
Yes I have checked all those items you have mentioned Steve, but before I take pump to a service engineer thinking on trying the capacitor. Surely if this is faulty it would not be able to put the pump up to correct speed? Failing this I guess the motor could be at fault because both the hot water and the cold water are affect the same way?
No it would just buzz. The capacitor provides the 90 °phase shift to create a rotating magnetic field.
Capacitors can reduce in value over time reducing the pump performance, if it's a cheap part try a new one.