subsidence - who to contact

19 May 2004
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United Kingdom
I have an issue with subsidence at a property. The insurers have said that they are not liable so basically it's down to the homeowner.

What is my first port of call. I don't know where to start although I think I would need to contact a competent person/company to assess what needs to be done and then instruct a builder to carry out the works as itemised. Who do I need to contact to do the assessment and recommendations, is it a chartered surveyor or civil engineer or someone else?

Any input would be welcome.

Are you a tenant?

If so your landlord is responsible to contact the insurer.
No I'm not a tenant. Sorry may have given that impression as I referred to the "homeowner". To be honest I'm enquiring on behalf of a friend who is the homeowner and they don't know where to begin.
Tell them to read their insurance policy to see why they are not covered.

And tell your friend to join on here, as describing a job second hand could lead to confusion.

Has subsidence been actually confirmed by a qualified person?

Why don't the insurance cover it?
Evidence of subsidence has been confirmed. The insurers say that the subsidence occurred before the policy was taken so they are not liable.
If a professional had confirmed subsidence, then he will have identified the cause. Deal with the cause first, and then carry out any repairs- if any.

You need a structural engineer to specify and oversee any works and certify completion. .
Thank you all for your input. Think I am much better informed now so can advise my friend in the right direction. The Geobear link looks interesting. Definitely requires to be done properly and certified by a qualified engineer/surveyor.