Swiss Cheese Plant Cutting?

19 Mar 2003
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United Kingdom
I have inherited a monstera deliciosa (swiss cheese plant) which is quite old - probably 8 or 9 years. After years of neglect it is looking a bit the worse for wear and I would like to take a cutting from it and train the cutting up a moss pole.

Can somebody please advise on the best way to take a cutting from this plant. I have tried cutting a stem off and planting it in compost but the leaf just went yellow. Is there any other way of doing this or would rooting compound help?

Thank you
I once had one that was a bit lanky and had lost the lower leaves. I cut the top part of the stem which had a few leaves and some aerial roots. I made sure the aerial roots were in the compost but didn't use rooting compound. It grew ok.
Thank you very much - will give it a try this weekend.