Texecom bell box ... help please

20 Nov 2005
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United Kingdom
I am trying to wire the above box to an Accenta/Optima panel.

I have

+ - T A D B
strobe scb bell

in panel and need to know what wire to connect where in bell box.

- ve supply A

- ve bell B

-ve tamper C

0v D

-ve strobe S

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

what do tad and b stand for?

the + and - are self expalnitory
reading from the Optima panel the outside bell connectors read:

+ - T A D B with

strobe scb bell written underneath
it doesnt help a lot though

you have 6 terninals and two words.

as i said the + and - are self explanitory

i know what the next answer is going to be, but i have to ask, have you got a multi meter?

1st image is Optima panel, other is alarm bell box.

Yes I have a multimeter.
Thats really use ful.

bell..................... panel
A........................D +ve
B........................B Ringer
C........................T Tamper
D........................A -ve

yep i am happy with that

I cant read what it says in the little box though :cry: (my eyes are too old)

dont connect the strobe. it give it away your alarm has gone off and no one has been to it
Cheers breezer, the "little box" I think you refer to is the diagram for a Reson 8 bell box, nice if I had one! would make it simpler for a thick gas fitter, which is what I am !

cheers again,