Texecom ComWifi module issue

11 Oct 2009
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United Kingdom
I have just finished installing a Texecom Premier Elite 48 with a ComWifi module. All is working well and I have been using Wintex over the wifi network to set up the various options. Tonight I have been trying to get the IOS App working with no success. I realised that you cant have both Wintex and the App communicating with the panel at the same time.

After the last attempt at trying to get the app to communicate with the alarm system the Comwifi module seems to have stopped working. I can clearly see the ComWifi unit with a good signal strength but cant communicate with it. If I enter the IP address of the Com Wifi module it asks for a password and I use the default T******15 password and I get an 'incorrect password message.

Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?

Thanks, Nigel
Hi Nigel,
well your entering the wrong password.

Theres one for the comwifi ssid (network) that's texecom2015 and can be changed.
the one for access to the comwifi itself is master and 123456 and these can also be changed and it is recommended you do after you have it working and leving the unit alone that's all in the manual.

No I was entering the correct password (I added the asterisks so as not to broadcast the password).

In the end I had to remove the ComWifi unit from port 1 using the keypad and then adding it back again - all works fine now - I am talking to Texecom support to try and understand why the unit locked up.

Now have Wintex working again although still struggling with the App - at the moment I get error message UDL Password - even though I haven't changed it from 1234. Suspect I have something wrong in the settings......
I assure you that theres two sets of passwords.

Comwifi SSID login which is to connect to the comwifi wireless, then the master and 123456 when you use

anyway now you have that up and running.

Wintex uses 1234 the default engineers code, but the app uses the password in udl options(7)m udl options(5), udl password, if the udl password isn't in there that may be your problem with the app.

also the app, check that you are using the udl password 1234 or whatever it is your using, not the encrypted one as the encrypted one, unless you have the engineers app to generate the encrypted password of 1234 or whatever you are using.
Thanks - yes that was the problem the UDL password field was empty - have added it and it's now working :-)
What capabilites does the wifi module? Can you receive alerts ie alarm activations to your phone/app. Can you control the system remotely.

I'm planing to install a system in my house
I work with Honeywell Galaxy and Aritech ATS but there over kill for a house.

I want something with the above functions


I asked that same question to texecom today - the COMIP uses parts that are older in the field and more expensive to produce - with WIFI the parts are cheaper as they are well known and used, hence the price drop!

They strongly suggested to go with comIP where possible - its a more perm connection to the panel than wifi...
What capabilites does the wifi module? Can you receive alerts ie alarm activations to your phone/app. Can you control the system remotely.

I'm planing to install a system in my house
I work with Honeywell Galaxy and Aritech ATS but there over kill for a house.

I want something with the above functions


Hi - yes the App does recieve alerts and alarm activations. You can control the system remotely through the App. I know that Texecom are producing a new App and integration suite known as 'Texecom Connect' and these will be compatible with their Premier Elite Kit.
there are plans to introduce a comip module at a low price but seems to be a long time coming.

Texecom Connect first stage may be available soon but don't know what exactly is involved with it yet.
there are plans to introduce a comip module at a low price but seems to be a long time coming.

Texecom Connect first stage may be available soon but don't know what exactly is involved with it yet.

Once connect is available, I believe you need to flash up the firmware - can this be done via comIP or do I need hardware for that task?
Well the answer is the panel cant currently be flashed remotely ie requires usb com lead and flasher interface and a site visit.

The Texecom Connect at some point is supposed to be able to flash the panel up remotely, so that should be possible via ip at some point in the future with a texecom connect interface.

Texecom connect is a Version 4 firmware, so anyone below version 4 would probably have to flash the old way first, current panel release is version 3.x