The last word....

there is nothing erratic about the formation of ammonites their structure is geometrically perfect
yes but, can something that is erratic not be perfect too in the whole scheme of things...
but perfection is a relative thing, pigs find sloshing about in mud perfect, but you wouldn't want your ingrowing toenail removed in those conditions
acceptable conditions to one would be absolute squalor to another...main criteria is... can I use my hairdryer :lol:
(bald as a coot Barnsbury ?) :P

for good health a balanced diet is a necessity, so I'm lead to believe.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
freedom of speech, is no longer valid, expressing an opinion can get you in to trouble
the trouble is not everyone agrees with my point of can they be so wrong :wink:
Some things that are 'politically correct' really annoy me ... they totally obscure common sense.