thats bolox
Tories cut public services massively from 2010 to 2017
Tories have spent last 40 years flogging our public services including water, energy, rail, probation service, blood transfusion etc etc
Tories have spent the last 14 years creaming money out of NHS into the pockets of Tory mps and Tory mates
Tories spaffed £100b up the wall on brexit which is a complete and utter con
Tories spaffed £32b on test n trace
Tories spaffed £4.3b on bogus PPE contracts to their mates
Tories spaffed £700m on Rwanda scheme
so dont make pathetic excuses about covid
You voted for Boris and his hard Brexit
the result of massively increasing trade barriers with our largest and nearest trade partner has made UK the opposite of agile
by the way, countries with better wealth distribution, like most major economies of the EU have far better standards of living than UK which is a very poor country with a few rich people
Im not sure whats wrong with you, you must spend all day swallowing Telegraph propaganda