Hello. I understand that this isn't an uncommon sort of question, I did search beforehand but I would appreciate advice on my specific scenario to be sure, please.
My existing thermostat has 4 wires connected: Earth, Live, and 2 other wires.
My new thermostat accepts 4 wires, but none of them are Earth.
That's alright, because I can screw that off into the pattress box I installed. Though this leaves me questioning the positioning of the remaining wires. Live obviously goes to Live. But I'm dubious about where the other connections go. I will add pictures of old and new, but would this be correct:
Old 1 - New 4
Old 2 - New 3
Old 3 - New 2
Earth grounded to pattress box
Thanks for any clarification. I don't mind trying my hand at these things, but don't want to blow my boiler or something so I'd rather be sure.
Honeywell Diagram for ref:
My existing thermostat has 4 wires connected: Earth, Live, and 2 other wires.
My new thermostat accepts 4 wires, but none of them are Earth.
That's alright, because I can screw that off into the pattress box I installed. Though this leaves me questioning the positioning of the remaining wires. Live obviously goes to Live. But I'm dubious about where the other connections go. I will add pictures of old and new, but would this be correct:
Old 1 - New 4
Old 2 - New 3
Old 3 - New 2
Earth grounded to pattress box
Thanks for any clarification. I don't mind trying my hand at these things, but don't want to blow my boiler or something so I'd rather be sure.
Honeywell Diagram for ref: