
17 Feb 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi everyone!
If you was tiling a small section at the end of your bath to make like a shower end do you think it will look better with small or large tiles? :D :D :lol:
It's all a matter of taste. Some people prefer the standard square 6" tiles, some prefer the large rectangular tiles, some prefer little ones. Some people even go for a mix of styles.

6" tiles are always a safe bet though. If you have a plain white suite, plain white tiles are easy. An art deco pattern can also add a touch of style.
A friend of mine used the small tiles, it looked great. The problem was after few years the grout discolured and became moldy. It looked awful because being small tiles there was a lot more grout on display.

He was a single bloke, he probably didn't clean the shower that well. :?

sometimes depending on the size of your bathroom the bigger the tile the smaller the room will look, smaller tiles like mosaic make the room look bigger add a mirror youve got two identical bathrooms :wink: