TL-WR940N - Unable to change DHCP Settings

5 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I am trying to set up a Smart DNS on a new TP Link Router (TL-WR940N) that I purchased today. The router will be a secondary router to my Sky Q router. I have an Ethernet cable from Ethernet point 1 on my main router (sky), going into the WAN point on my TP router.

I am following instructions 4.7.1 ( and I am stuck at the first point.

I am logged into my router and trying to change the DHCP settings. The server is set to enabled by default, which is what I want, but I am unable to input any primary DNS settings or start IP address. They are sort of greyed out and won’t let me edit anything in that section which would enable me to set up a smart DNS.

Basically what I am trying to do is set up a Roku streaming stick to enable me to watch and download U.S TV apps. I have read that you can not set up a VPN/Smart DNS server on the Roku stick and the only way to do it is to set a VPN directly to the router.

My Sky router doesn't allow what I'm trying to achieve in setting a VPN up on the router so I have purchased a secondary router which allows that, but now I'm having issues changing the DHCP settings on my TP router.
If DHCP is set to Automatic, the router will send out IP addresses to the peripherals that connect to it which is no good if you have printers connected via LAN cables.

So switch DHCP to off. Then whatever connects to it, you need to enter a manual IP address, subnet mask and DNS server setting on each item. I just use as the DNS server setting as it's just Googles DNS server.

With VPN's, I've no idea with that, never tried setting one up etc..