To screw or to nail....

13 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
The bottom of my garden is quite sheltered so wind isn't really an issue. Next weekend I'm going to clad my "Summer House" "I find this term pretentious - let's say Man Cave.

The cladding is t&g Thermowood "Softwood" the fixing options are 18g Nails or Screws, in either case they have to be stainless steel due to being very close to the sea.

I have never knowingly used 18g nails, I have a Paslode IM65 straight 2nd fix Brad nailer, but haven't really got a clue if this can be used, or is compatible with 18 gauge brads.

Any help would appreciated, here's a picture of progress thus far...or not, it won't load....
Your Palisode is 16 gauge- which will be better for you. I have only used 18g outdoors once, it went pair shaped because the heads are so small

BTW, the above is for the straight gun, not the IM65A which uses angled brads.
Your Palisode is 16 gauge- which will be better for you. I have only used 18g outdoors once, it went pair shaped because the heads are so small

BTW, the above is for the straight gun, not the IM65A which uses angled brads.
Thank you opps, my mistake it's an IM65 I have not the A,

Yesterday I nailed a board to baton to see what the hold is like with the physical force of then trying to pull them apart, not to bad...

I think batons at 450 centres as appose to 500 or 600 will produce better results.

There have been two huge properties built opposite each other near me, different developer, different cladding, one is secured with ring shank nails "looks awful" the other with brads " it'll probably all fall off !!!!!!!"

Thanks for your help