Trickle vents through reinforced UPVC

17 Jun 2014
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United Kingdom
I have bought some trickle events to help with condensation. I’ve found out my window frame and sashes are reinforced. Am I ok to drill a series of holes through the reinforced part? I assume I need to get a special metal drill bit as mine don’t seem to be doing anything to go through it.
Any advice would be appreciated
Try leaving the windows open but locked to see if it helps first before you start drilling holes.

The question is around if there is an issue with drilling through the reinforced part of the window and if so how best to do it. I’m fully aware of how condensation works but for this situation, trickle vents will do the job I need them to. If you could answer the above then great.
You're right, the whole house is a bit of a mess but the trickle vents are in so that's something!
I've not long fitted a French door with a reinforced frame. I put 5 frame fixings either side and had to drill through fairly thick (seemed 3-4mm) steel inside it.

I would mark where the vent is to go, drill a series of holes within those markings say 15-20mm apart, then fit the cover over the top. Start with a smaller metal drill bit before moving up to a larger one to avoid burning out the bit.