UPVC Door won't open

22 Apr 2003
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United Kingdom
Hi guys.

Our aging uPvc backdoor locking mechanism has broken. It apears that the Rack bolts are stuck in the locked position and therefore we can not open the door when the lock unit is unlocked

The lock is of the lift the handle to engage types. However the lift up action feels really loose now as though something has broken inside.

The question is does anybody know how I can get the door open ?

Thanks in advance
Not sure if it is the same problem as the referred to topic.

The key will turn and the cylinder seems to operate correctly however the handle can not be pulled down to disengage the rack bolts ? / deadlocks and if the handle is pushed up there is no resistance.

Any other ideas or does this equate to the same medication but with different symptoms

Even though the lock is turning with the key,the centre black piece is not undoing the your mechanism in the lock so it still need to be drill out,you have no choice,then you have to do something else which I can't tell you,sorry.

You will still need a locksmith,I hope you understand.
Thanks Masona I understand :wink: .

I tried a few techniques gleamed from around the web mainly aimed at snapping the cylinder at the week point in the middle. After about half an hour of wiggling it and hitting it with anything in the toolbox ..... nothing.

So as I was re-assembling the handle before looking for the nearest locksmith in the yellow pages I just happened to press down on it and "Bee-Boo" the joyous sound of the alarm chime, the door was open :D

I replaced the cylinder (with a six pin / hardened yale one) after searching for the right screw to undo and it seems OK now

Ta for the help