Varying colour mismatch Paving slabs

11 May 2023
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United Kingdom
These are the same concrete pavers but from different packs. Will they all go the same colour with sun bleaching?
They are the same colour when dry but different shades when wet.
And swap which ones?
They are a budget slab. It will be written somewhere, that the customer is to expect some colour variation.
It will be so written and besides, some variation isn't really a bad thing, is it?
When the pigeons have done with it, there'll be all the variation you can clean.:LOL:
It will be so written and besides, some variation isn't really a bad thing, is it?
When the pigeons have done with it, there'll be all the variation you can clean.:LOL:
Makes a great chess board:idea:
The contrast is stark and not easy on the eye. 5 years time no one will give a chuff.
Why didn't whoever fitted them notice before/as they were laying them? It seems the light coloured ones could have all been used on the top level or on the steps etc?