Veritable external sounder goes off when exiting

17 Mar 2019
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United Kingdom
Uwe have just moved into a new house with a Veritas alarm installed, developers have left no paperwork but that is another story. Looking at the keypad it appears to be straightforward Veritas keypad, no display, just zone lights.
Having made sure all internal doors are closed, we enter our code, press FULL, the exit tone sounds, we close the front door and then the external sounder goes off for about 3-5 seconds! Surely this is wrong? I can imagine we will have some very irate neighbours if our alarm keeps going off like this. Can anyone advise, please?

Sorry - the title should say 'Veritas' not 'Veritable' - spelling autocorrect strikes again!!
Depends on how its wired/ programmed to some degree, it could also be a fault.

This is a new install?
What does it show when you look at the keypad after this has occurred?
As above, the system is probably set up to flash the strobe light for a few seconds when the system is armed. If the siren and strobe triggers are the wrong way around, this would explain your problem. You need to get the installers back, which I presume will be the electrical contractors for the development. Make sure the system is working properly after they've been back, if they've managed to get this wrong without spotting it there may be other issues.
Many thanks to everyone who replied - most helpful. I shall certainly be in touch with the installers tomorrow!