I’ve had some work done in my garage today, that required one of the alarm sensors to be moved temporarily. When I removed the sensor, I noticed one of the six wires was disconnected.
When the job in the garage was finished, I reinstalled the sensor, and also checked the wire arrangement in a few of the other sensors, and reconnected the loose wire in the same arrangement as the others.
Unfortunately now, my alarm won’t set, and when I do try and set it, it goes into a continuous cycle of 6 beeps and doesn’t stop until I hit reset on the control panel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve had some work done in my garage today, that required one of the alarm sensors to be moved temporarily. When I removed the sensor, I noticed one of the six wires was disconnected.
When the job in the garage was finished, I reinstalled the sensor, and also checked the wire arrangement in a few of the other sensors, and reconnected the loose wire in the same arrangement as the others.
Unfortunately now, my alarm won’t set, and when I do try and set it, it goes into a continuous cycle of 6 beeps and doesn’t stop until I hit reset on the control panel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.