Whilst that might be the main use of a VPN nowadays, they we're originally designed as a way for a small company with several sites to stay in touch with each other, and for the stay to log on to the office network when out on the road, hence the initial idea of "Virtual Private (office) Network". What I'm referring to, is an article in the Dec 16 Computer Shopper magazine, entitled use a VPN to hide your browsing, and having had a quick look at the article, because you are constantly changing your IP address, whilst it doesn't stop the adverts, it cuts down the ability to target you with specific adverts because it can't profile you so well.
The browser from torproject.org gives you anonymous browsing for free, whist EpressVPN charges, but lets you view the American Netflix, which I think is a valid use for these things. But I had no idea that VPNs had developed to such an extent.