warped wooden door

16 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
After fitting a new multi glazed wooden door, I discover that the door is warped and sticks out from the frame.

Can anything be done to the door to straighten it out??

Many thanks

The door sticks out by approx. 25mm @ top right hand corner (door lock side).
It can be done but all glass will have to come out,then put a 4"x2" timber on edge against the door frame on the floor level, then force the door back into the frame using a brace at 45 degree angle screw to the frame temporary on the top where it was sticking out,sometime it can works overnight or 2/3 days but no good if you need to go in and out of the door.

Another way is to put a timber laid flat on the floor approx 600mm then nail a timber on top of the door and force it back nail under the door frame then at least you can still walk in and out of the door.
Thanks Mansona

But I cannot removed all 24 panes of glass and its a Kitchen door. I shall just have to pay for a new door and ensure that it is straight and plumb before I fit it.

Thanks again.
Provided you have no animals or children you could always try it VERY CAREFULLY with the glass in, if it breaks then you haven't lost anything as you were going to buy a new door anyway. :?

Definitely wear goggles, gloves and any other protective gear as you do it though. I doubt you would get full on smashing as if one pane cracks you might as well give up.
Wait a minute, didn't you say "new door"?

I know they say they don't refund on damage caused by installation, but if it is one of the large chains then it might be worth taking it down and pointing out you let it aclimatise, did everything right but the wood must be dodgy :wink:

It is always easy to get a replacement compared to a refund.
Agreed with AdamW,give them a ring or they might give you a discount on the next one.

The problems with 24 panes of glass,there's not much timber frame support to prevent door warping.You would be better off getting a good quality hardwood (not softwood) which will minimise these problem.

I have fitted many softwood door and occasionally have to put on a trestle for a free chiropactic treatment :lol: