Washing machine moving around - tried so many solutions

20 Oct 2013
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United Kingdom
I've just moved into a new build property, which came with a new Siemens standalone washing machine installed within a utility cupboard (just on its own, not in a housing). When I moved in I tested it to ensure it was working, and found that it just moves around when it gets to a fast spin cycle.

I'm in discussions with the developer, as it's not really acceptable. They came round, suggesting the machine as at fault (I was dubious), and replaced it that day. But the same thing happens.

They also verified with me that it was level. I've also tried silicon feet and those rubber mats - they help a little, but when it reaches its full speed it just moves all over the place.

So my question is - is there any simple solution to this? My handyman friend suggests they'll need to build a housing for it - but has anyone had any experience of this? Or any ideas what to suggest them to do? It's driving me insane!
You could try some thick neoprene pads. I had some left over and a frien used them on her matching to cut down noise as she was in an upstairs flat and the neighbour's complained

The stuff was 1" thick
No but I got it from Hills Rubber. Reading- Cardiff road now I think
Have all the transit bolts been removed?

A friend of mine had a w/m/c in her new house that wouldn't pump out, and I found the blanking plug had been left in the fitting under the sink. If the OP's developer knows as much as hers did then replacing one machine with a second one that also has the transit bolts left in sounds highly likely.
If it’s not the transit bolts and it is level then maybe contact Siemens for advice or a warranty visit?