Water supply pipe depth - how fussy are water companies?

2 Dec 2015
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United Kingdom
I've laid a new water supply but there are a few sections which are 700mm deep rather than 750mm which is unavoidable.
Do they measure the entire length or are they pretty pragmatic and do it by eye?
Depends on the company angian water inspectors are mustard I can remember an inspector coming into a job I was on and checked all the joints to make sure what solder I was using he went across the road and banjoed the plumbers there cost em loads.Bob these blokes have more power
than customs.
The old pipe was laid on the footings (150mm down), and I cut a new channel that went down just a foot, wrapped it in 3" insulation, and then covered it back up, and recemented the pathway. The water pipe was only 150mm down below the surface, so they'd have had a bit of an argument saying I had to go lower.

It never got inspected, and I doubt if there'll be a problem, but if you've got a jobsworth, then all you can do is smile, be polite (and a little grovelling) and see what he'll let you get away with.
My copper feed is only ~400mm below ground level and uninsulated. the 750mm must be a standard that's good for the north but probably an overkill for the tropical south.
The inspector has signed it off so all good.
Seemed quite relaxed about it and just eyed it. Good bloke.
Gave some great advice too which will save some dosh.