
5 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Has anyone had the weed 'woodrush' (luzula campestris for its posh name!)in their lawn? Does anyone know how to get rid of it? I've scarified and fed the lawn. Is there anything else I can do?
I've been using VERDONE to get rid of entrenched clover and other weeds but having only recently applied it I don't know how good it is. It doesn't mention woodrush specifically on the box but it could come under the "and other weeds" bit.

You could try asking at a garden centre.

Sorry, not much help. :(
Further to my last post, I had a look in the Lawn Expert book (if you haven't got one of these have a browse next time you're in a garden centre). They recommend a selective weedkiller being applied every six weeks. A single application won't be enough to get rid of it. It's persistant stuff.
Ten days on and the weeds are dying. These include white clover, yarrow and creeping buttercup. I think there might be some grass underneath it all but I'll have to wait and see.